

Hey Mom!

First off, THANK YOU for the great package. Those granola bars lasted
two days. I was lucky to get any after my companions got a taste.
Just about all the food is gone. Elder P  would like to know
what the granola recipe is, I've got him hooked. He wants to send it
to his mom so she can send him some. The ornaments are great, its so
weird to think it is that time of year already.

Sounds like you had a good Thanksgiving. It was definitely weird to
have it at somebody else's house. The weather has been nice here too,
although there has been quite a bit of rain. I don't think the branch
president here has candy either, I'll have to have a talk with him.

So what is this you and Dad are saying about Kirtland? I don't think
I've heard anything about heading there this week... I'll have to
check. That would be awesome though. I need to get H and T to
visit there soon, apparently there are over 100 nativity sets put
up at all the church sites. There wasn't nearly as much pie here as
I'm used to. I did get fed pretty good though. Two families fed us,
I was so full. There was a turkey bowl in the morning. So we got up
at five to travel up and meet the zone leaders, luckily it was fun and
the day was pretty nice. The field was a mud pit though.
So this week has been interesting. As I mentioned last week, I became
part of a triple up this week. Elder H  joined us on Wednesday,
and it has just been crazy since. He has quite a bit more experience
than Elder P  or I had, so he was able to help us straighten out
a few things. Plus we tracted a lot. We tracted close to ten hours
this week, quite a bit of it in the rain. Wednesday night Elder
P went with a member while Elder H  and I hit up door after
door, all while it poured. The rain here is a little different than
in Twin. Luckily I found a coat and raincoat in the apartment, so I
was dry and warm. It was fun though, we came across all sorts of
people, and were able to hand out several copies of the Book of

T  and H  have been sick and out of town all week so we didn't
hear much from them. P  is doing great as ever. He will be
baptized Dec 31 now, hopefully there won't be issues with the holiday.
Those are all the investigators we have left, so we spent some time
visiting less actives. There have been a few coming to church lately,
it has been so cool to see them show up.

While we were out tracting last week we met a guy who told us he was a
prophet, except that he had been called to be a minister instead. He
said he was willing to hear what we had to say and to have a good
Christian discussion, but any time we asked him to open the Book of
Mormon he would completely blow it off and start talking about the end
of the world again.

I was able to help build a ramp this week for some members in the
ward. It looks pretty good too. There was another member and his
friend working on it, so we were able to have some good discussions
with the friend about the church.

On Monday we went to help with the Habitat for Humanity around here,
but there was only one guy there. Of course religion came up and he
started mentioning how he had a bunch of questions. We were able to
answer quite a few of them and he was really excited about the
answers. We haven't been able to see him since, but we'll be able to
follow up on that this week.

So yeah, it's been fun, the work is moving forward. I love every minute of it.

I will talk to you next week,

Love ya!

Elder Tanner Newey

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